Thursday, October 20, 2011

Apple IPad comparatively Stronger Than Ever before

While Apple has taken a hit on iPhone sales during the summer, the iPad is on track to become a huge success for the company. Year after year, sales increased by 4.2 million to 11.1 million iPad, an increase of 166 percent. iPads, with associated software and applications, which now account for nearly 25 percent of net earnings from Apple.

Compensation call yesterday, says CEO Tim Cook, Apple has sold over 40 million iPads and iPad 2s. Independent statistics confirm that Apple has virutally the market for tablets. IPad has a hold on 80 percent of it, according to research firm Strategy Analytics, comScore and recently said it is a non-dominant 97 percent of all Internet traffic on the shelves.

While the iPad has flourished, competitors fizzled. The first rival of "real" iPad, Galaxy Tab, did a lot of noise, but its software was not originally optimized for tablets and sales have so far failed to gain momentum. Motorola Xoom, the first Android 3.0 "Honeycomb" tablet not clearly to clients why they should buy an iPad, and it was too high a price. RIM's Playbook was paralyzed from the beginning half finished software. HP TouchPad and died in her crib (it came out with a hell of a bang).

"We had an excellent quarter, setting a record 11 million," said the chief. "We have seen several competitors trying to compete with the iPad. Some had different form factors, different price ranges, and I think it is fair to say that none of them got no traction . In fact, all the competitors who came to market, our share has actually increased. According to IDC, we were responsible for three of the four tablets of sale. "

Although a huge success, there is still another competitor, who could seriously challenge the dominance of the iPad, Amazon Kindle and the Fire, arriving November 15. Revealed at the end of September, the biggest surprise was the price of the fire. At only $ 200, $ 300 is cheaper than the cheapest iPad. Although fire is a 7-inch screen is smaller than 9.7-inch display iPad, many customers may see a sacrifice acceptable to that value.

Not surprisingly, Apple CEO Tim Cook did not see it that way. Who has complete faith in your company tablets to remain competitive, both current and iPad 2 Apple next model down the pike.

"I think when you look at iPhone OS 5, icloud, an ecosystem with iTunes, App Store, books, films, and the fact that we have over 140 000 native applications than the number of hundreds of other boys, I'm very confident about our ability to compete with, and very confident in the pipeline product, "Cook said.

To take stock of the great success of the iPhone, Apple said it is used in the enterprise market. The iPad is often cited as a leading product in the "consumerization of IT" phenomenon, and Apple, said that 92 percent of Fortune 500 companies are testing or deploying iPads at least some of their workers. Apple cited United Airlines move "to replace flight manuals with iPads, among other examples of business applications, as evidence that the tablet is not just an expensive toy.

If the iPad is a productivity tool, which is a competitor to Apple should be concerned, but for different reasons: the Mac tablets are already accused of cannibalizing sales of PCs. Could the fate of the iPad will be to replace rather than supplement, which was once the heart of Apple's computer sales business?

"I think we're seeing cannibalization," admitted Cook. "I think it shows in two ways. Some people choose to buy an iPhone instead of a Mac, however, believe that significantly more people are opting to buy an iPhone instead of a Windows PC. So I think they are massively out very well in this question. "

The numbers seem to back up, at least the first part of the thesis of Cook who, because of Apple's Mac sales had their best quarter ever in motion almost 5 million desktops and laptops, at the same time selling a record number of iPads.

What future for the iPad? No doubt there will be a new model for the winter / spring, and the success (or lack thereof) of the fire could alter Kindle Apple tablet whole strategy in the coming years. Whatever happens, the next few months will be more attractive to the market shelves since the iPhone was launched. It'll be a happy Christmas to someone, but will it be Apple or Amazon?

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